Andrew Short


3D modeler, Designer, Artist, Maker

Drawn_Steel_Hero favorited Caged D6 by Drawn_Steel_Hero
June 24, 2017
Drawn_Steel_Hero favorited Tank Mode by luchengshangx
November 29, 2016
"Backlash" Gunslinger figure
Drawn_Steel_Hero @fb9f26b Hi. The model has passed the automatic checks for acrylate, but I'm reluctant to release anything in a material I haven't tried myself, as is the case here. I still recommend the Polished Strong and Flexible materials, as they offer a good mix of aesthetics and durability - with a lick of paint and a sealant (I tend to use a couple of coats of acrylic floor polish), it looks a lot smoother. That said, I'm also working a on some smaller, slightly more simplified Gunslingers, the first of which should be available very soon (within the next couple of weeks, fingers crossed), and once I'm happy with them, I may well test them in the acrylate as well.
Aerial Tactician Head "G1"
Drawn_Steel_Hero @SteamShield Huh... somehow I didn't see those pics first time around... Must need my eyes checking. :p Thanks for the tip; I was hoping it'd be that easy. ;)
Drawn_Steel_Hero I do believe this will have to be on my next order. :) Have you successfully tested on a figure yet (or any head on the Skydive mould)? Most of the heads just pop straight off, but Skydive's isn't quite that simple, and in the absence of a screw, I can't tell if it's glued together, or something.
Drawn_Steel_Hero commented on Robot Upgrade: Vain Twin by Tresob
March 4, 2015
Robot Upgrade: Vain Twin
Drawn_Steel_Hero This looks really cool. Might I suggest, however, at least making it available in Yellow SFP. It seems the obvious material to print in, considering who it's meant for; it may not completely eliminate the need for post-process painting, but it'd get the hardest part out of the way.
"Salvo" Gunslinger figure
Drawn_Steel_Hero @DarkSinitron Hey, DS. It turned out the dyed nylons weren't actually enabled, which is why you couldn't order them. A word to the wise, however; it you do order one of the Polished materials, the process removes a small amount of material from everywhere, including the joints, which will almost certainly make the joints loose when you assemble the figure. A layer or two of superglue or acrylic floor polish (which should be allowed to cure before reassembly) applied to the male parts of the joints (mostly the balls, but there is a lateral hinge on the barrel too) will tighten them up. I hope you enjoy him! :)