Michael Weinberg of Public Knowledge, the Author of It Will Be Awesome if They Don’t Screw it Up: 3D Printing, Intellectual Property, and the Fight Over the Next Great Disruptive Technology has another pressing cause that needs your immediate action!!


US Congress is getting ready to decide if we will have any Net Neutrality rules at all.  If the proposed bill passes it will not only repeal the FCC’s current rules, but also prevent the FCC from making any net neutrality rules in the future.  Without government-backed Net Neutrality rules ISPs will be free to pick and choose which websites work and which websites don’t.  

The Internet Strikes Back is a day – February 17th – where we are asking the Internet to call your Representative and tell them how important Net Neutrality is.

Go to www.TheInternetStrikesBack.org to find out more, get a button for your website, and even sign up to participate in advance.  If you sign up in advance, you will get a text message on the 17th that will automatically connect you with your Representative.

What does this have to do with me? I hear you asking.

Once ISP’s have the power to throttle or open the network based on content it means they will start demanding money from sites for high speed access and making deals to choke competitors. 

If suddenly a competitor to a web service you use, be it Shapeways, Vimeo or BitTorrent started choking the service it could completely cripple the site, imagine waiting 4 times as long for your content to upload/download?

The barrier to entry for internet start-ups like Kickstarter, Shapeways and Etsy would be raised to the point where many great ideas would never be realized.

Once the proposed bill is passed it can NEVER be turned back!!!!  Click the image below to take action…

The Internet Strikes Back

Thanks again to Michael Weinberg of Public Knowledge for pointing this out, let’s not let it happen.