Welcome to the BeneluxSpoor.net theme page

The BeneluxSpoor.net Foundation (Stichting Beneluxspoor.net) is the largest and most active online railway enthusiast community in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The Foundation promotes and supports railway and model railway enthusiasts by connecting them with each other and providing them with tips, tricks, tutorials and useful information.

The Foundation has a 3D/Rapid Manufacturing working group that is connecting a venerable hobby with the most modern manufacturing techniques. It makes use of crowdsourcing, online forums and the expertise of their members to do research into 3D printing and other manufacturing techniques to develop new ways for model railroad enthusiasts to partake in their hobby. With 3D printing limited edition trains and other material can be built that would otherwise not exist.

This gallery below is a collection of some of their work. You can order their products if you like or go to their homepage to get involved

If you are a member of BeneluxSpoor.net and would like your work to be included: upload your model, add the tag beneluxspoor to your design and send us an email so you can be verified.


{udesign_gallery gallery="Model trains" mode="full"}