The Door In The Wall

These designs are dedicated to the beauty and art found in the complexities and enigmas of chemistry, specifically the world of crystallography. If you are interested in single organic molecules, check out the shop Molecule Models.
From my career in chemistry - from my undergraduate days working with organic crystals to my graduate school days synthesizing crystals from molten fluxes followed by the days as a post-doc working with ceramics - I have found a beauty in the microscopic, an art to the science of the atom. Each of the materials I either worked with or synthesized for the first time contain a framework and connectivity and symmetry that cannot be explained by mere words. To see the beauty of how the atoms are arranged and the utter lack of control I actually had over their doing so only brought me closer to my God. He has allowed me to be a participant in the creation process of some of these materials, but I was merely the delivery boy - I put the materials close enough together to react and He did all the work to produce these wonders of nature. The name The Door In The Wall comes from a book that talks about finding paths through obstacles. If any of you know anything about research in general, you know that it is always full of obstacles. In many of my ventures, I faced daily struggles and had to find ways through them. I have faced my share of obstacles and know that I have more to come, but with God's help, I will always find the door in the wall. I hope you all enjoy the art that I have seen come out of the research lab and that you allow it to bring you closer to the true Creator. - ChemDr.