The 3D Forge

Taking two-dimensional hand-drawn images and creating a 3-D model from it.Taking two-dimensional images created in an art program, or from digital images and converting it into a 3-D model.I also offer custom design consultation to help you to bring your ideas to life.
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Services provided at the 3-D Forge include:

• Taking two-dimensional hand-drawn images and creating a 3-D model from it

• Taking two-dimensional images created in an art program, or from digital images and converting it into a 3-D model.

• I also offer custom design consultation to help you to bring your ideas to life.

I specialize in the creation of custom jewelry pieces such as:

• Pendants

• Rings

I also specialize in the creation of custom accessories that are compatible Lego Bionicle building sets.

• Generation One Compatible Masks

• Generation Two Compatible Masks

• Generation One Compatible Tools and Weapons.

When working with me you are offered several different pricing options.

• An hourly based fee

• A flat-rate fee. The flat-rate fee contains three different categories of design: simple, complex and advanced. Based on an assessment of your project you will be told what category of the flat-rate fee your item fits into.

Favorite items or subjects that I like to design.

I enjoy designing jewelry based on ancient civilizations such as Assyria and Babylon. I have a specific collection known as the Assyrian collection which contains all my designs related to that civilization. I create designs by looking at reliefs and other images of Assyrian artwork and jewelry.