Queensland Railway Miniatures

Maker of fine scale miniatures of Queensland railway prototypes
Follow my facebook page to keep up with the latest developments of my models.
Welcome to my workshop and design studio.
I use this shop front to offer pre production models and beta test designs to anybody who whishes to try them. It sometimes takes a while before models become a kit product so this is a way I can fast track my designs to those who wish to get them now and avaid the wait for the production kits.  They mostly don't come with assembly instructions. Models and designs may change on this site as the development towards becomming a kit progresses and may not be the same as the final kit design. Materials are limited to what best suits the detail of the mode from shapeways. Aditional materials may also be needed to finish some of these models off and make them complete. I would appreciate a message with any feed back you may have of your experience with the model you purchased from this site.