
This is a place FOR MODEL MAKERS & COLLECTORS -  here you can find  unique, hard or impossible-to-get, original, modern, generic, retro, SCI-FI, fantasy & gaming models of high quality - spacecrafts, miniatures, gear ...

Additionally, I allocate 25% of my total revenue to protecting endangered wildlife and ecosystems.

Any similarity  with the intellectual property of any media company is purely coincidental.
The models in this shop are FAN ART - made /converted/tweaked by myself, many as hommage to the popular franchises.

Also, there are models given to me  by clients,  with  modification request (if I  receive the info, I  will always credit the original creator ! - I do my best to obtain permission from each creator but in some cases I have found this difficult at best.).

A clarification is not to make oneself clear, it is to put oneself in the clear. - Sir Humphrey Appleby