Boulding Blocks

Mark Boulding is an artist, designer, educator and entrepreneur. He lives and works in Denver, CO and Santa Fe, NM. His work spans inventive concepts in clay, environment, light and studies in dry laid brick. Bricks sparked his interest in 3D printing when one of his brick sculptures, included in a Colorado Clay Show, was a cube of bricks and voids. This led to the idea for Boulding Blocks, two pieces of equal volume but different shape that interlock to form a cube and other shapes, ad infinitum. One Boulding Block Cube is an intriguing mathematical puzzle. Multiple cubes present a mathematical universe of possibilities. Watch this space for variations on this theme, puzzles, educational aids, furniture design and more. Patent Pending.
This is a puzzle that makes you think and dream. More than a puzzle it is a building system. Here are some of the thoughts that have been shared with me: “It makes me see positive and negative space in a new way.” “I see piano keys. It makes me want to compose.” “I see buildings and skyscrapers. I want to build.” “I see a filtration system that could provide clean water for the third world.” “I see making different animals out of it, like a Noah’s Ark.” “I see nano printed circuits to make personal electronics thinner and more powerful.” “I see it in museum shops all over the world.” “ It makes me think of ideas for furniture.” “I see it light up when the last piece is inserted. It could even make music.” “If an all white cube is solid and an all black cube is a void, is the all black cube really there?” “It should be on the desk of every decision maker in the world.” What will it make you think up? Note: you need to order both the white set and the black set to have the whole puzzle. We are working on the combine orders app. Patent US 9,492,734  B2  and Patent US 9,821,219  B2