
We create tools for unconventional DIY projects. See us to get excited, inspired, or just plain amused.

We believe in designing for the small things in life – small ideas, small projects, small upgrades, small improvements. We believe DIY itches are meant to be scratched. And most of all, we believe beauty and elegance are achievable independent of time, experience, or resources. We’re here to show you a whole new world of DIY and invite you to experience it with us!

Our products are outcasts of the business world, deemed too niche, too risky, or too costly to profit. Frankly, this is where we think the most interesting ideas foster – a place where ideas can be unbound and allowed to evolve freely. We imagine. We play. We discover. We embrace the strange and awesome world of the few. That is our process of crafting unique and enduring products.

We design for experience rather than for mass-production. We believe in delivering uncompromised vision, unblemished by the limitations of traditional fabrication techniques. 3D-printing allows us to circumvent the barriers of manufacture – labour, tooling, inventory – and put our time where our heart is: crafting products. It allows us to realize products that could never exist; turn the unconventional and improbable into the fascinating and inspiring.

We believe that small ideas are not only worthwhile, they make up the most enjoyable parts of our lives. We are on a mission to build a world of small ideas. You’re welcome to join the ride!