Glossy Top Coat For Sfp?

Discussion in 'Finishing Techniques' started by 94556_deleted, Nov 8, 2016.

  1. 94556_deleted
    94556_deleted Member
    Hey everyone,

    I wanted to print in porcelain but my item is too small (and can't be increased in size due to its use). So I will probably go with strong flexible plastic but I'm looking to still achieve a glass-like finish. Does anyone have suggestions for what product I could use?

  2. NoahLI
    NoahLI Well-Known Member
    many layers of lacquer would give you a smooth and glossy surface. Superglue could work too, will require polishing to achieve clear glossy shine, but should be more glass like than lacquer, and little more durable. Epoxy resin could work, but could turn amber over time. All will dull rather quick if handled all the time.