Matt Boyle


I lead the Engineering team here at Shapeways!

mboylevt favorited Arrow Joycon Grip by edrice
March 23, 2017
mboylevt favorited D20 Ring by 3by3D
February 8, 2017
mboylevt commented on Kitchenaid-Style Mixer Earrings by LayersByDesign
January 27, 2017
Kitchenaid-Style Mixer Earrings
mboylevt Hah, these are great!
mboylevt favorited Horns Minus Cyl by mboylevt
January 19, 2017
Check out this cool product! - Turbocharger Keychain
mboylevt favorited Troopertiti by mygadgetlife
July 28, 2016
In case anyone wanted to get me a gift ;) - Full Turbocharger Cufflinks
mboylevt favorited Robot Pendant by DenisS
July 7, 2016
Orchid Bracelet- Nylon Version
mboylevt Bought this in bronze as a gift, and it's lovely! Thanks so much for sharing your design. I'll get a photo up when I can
mboylevt commented on New Jersey State Cufflinks by appleman_josh
April 20, 2016
New Jersey State Cufflinks
mboylevt @Rebf don't insult the greatest state in the union ;). I'll be sure to add some nice product photos here when I get them appleman_josh
mboylevt @appleman_josh awesome thanks! Ordered :)
mboylevt Hey @appleman_josh these are pretty awesome! Have you thought about offering in one of the plated materials for different finishes? I'd love a pair in plated rose gold :)
mboylevt commented on 1 1/2" Ruler Ring Size 8 by misterkwon
April 6, 2016
1 1/2" Ruler Ring Size 8
mboylevt Hah, this is really clever @aimeemoyer
mboylevt favorited Switch Box - original by TomZ
March 22, 2016
mboylevt favorited Pacemaker Cufflinks by oopsclunkthud
March 2, 2016
mboylevt commented on Bomb Lamp by UrbanoRodriguez
March 2, 2016
Bomb Lamp
mboylevt @Rebf I'll take 10.
mboylevt favorited Bomb Lamp by UrbanoRodriguez
March 2, 2016