Walter Sharrow


3D modeler, Animator, Designer, Product designer, Artist, Maker, Artisan

MaxSMoke777 commented on Companion Rubiks Cube Kit -v1a by MaxSMoke777
December 31, 2016
Companion Rubiks Cube Kit -v1a
MaxSMoke777 @fb02ab4 It's hard to say. After many cutbacks in my job, I lost the ability to buy my own items to test out new designs. The only print of this one I own is the one painted and glued onto the cube you see. I did post measurements, so you can always take a pair of calipers to the toy store and find one yourself.
MaxSMoke777 commented on Ring of Souls -Ring Size 11ish by MaxSMoke777
September 16, 2015
Ring of Souls -Ring Size 11ish
MaxSMoke777 @monkeyfrog987@monkeyfrog987 What would that be in millimeters? I can try scaling it down and putting a version up, although it would be hard to say what the final, actually print size would be, as certain metals offered here contract (like steel). If you want to risk it, I'll upload a new copy based on your measurement.