If you have been offering the same 3D products for some time, it’s a good idea to review them now before the rush of holiday orders flow in. Possible improvements could take your products to the next level and make them more appealing to potential customers. Here’s a step-by-step guide to polishing up your shop.

Review Your Products

  1. Overall, are you as happy with the current products in your shop as you were when you first designed them? Do they still represent who you are as a designer and your skill set?
  2. Check your product categories and tags. Are they still accurate or have they changed over time? If you’re not sure how to categorize your products, have a look at the Shapeways marketplace and check out how similar products are labeled.

Look at Your Offered Materials

  1. Have you tried printing your products in all materials offered? It’s good practice to test the printed quality to make sure the product prints as expected.
  2. Some customers may not be very familiar with 3D printing, so it’s vital that you communicate the difference in materials and finishes you offer to them. Let the customers know what to expect.

Polish Up Your Descriptions

  1. When altering your descriptions, start by adding in recipient-based keywords as tags (friend, mom, men, hostess, stocking stuffer) to help people find your products.
  2. Wherever applicable, consider tweaking your descriptions and tags to make them more timely with the holiday season.
  3. Describe the story of your items. The authenticity of a unique product carries much more value than a mass-produced one. Help gift givers understand how special your product is.
  4. It’s best to use photos of printed products instead of 3D renderings. This will help your customer visualize the product much easier. Want to take it one step further? Post a video of your product!


Having great products isn’t enough, however. To guarantee success, you need to have great photos showcasing your 3D printed projects. In our next Holiday Planning Tips series, we’ll share some key tips to doing just so.

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