
Official Website

If you post these prints online please credit my website

I do not sell painted prints.  I don't offer painted services at all. Please do not ask about it. 
I do not take commissions. 
Please do not not ask for variants, what is on the store is what I am willing to sale. 
Also please do not ask if I am making "This item". 

Industrial Designer from Chicago
Official Website

If you post these prints online please provide a link to my website.
Feel free to send me questions or concerns but do so after reviewing my website. 
Finishing Tips

Always test on scrap first

Apply Filler Primer : I use Rust-Oleum Automotive Filler and Sandable Primer.
Applying a filler primer will seal off the powdered nylon so paints won't just soak in like a sponge.

Apply Paint/Primer: I use Krylon Fusion Glossy White. I apply this for the following reasons.

White contrasts nicely with the gray filler primer which is good for sanding. Paint is thicker then primer(in this case it's a 2 in one). 
The striations will still show through the gray primer. The paint will fill them in more. When you sand the first coat away you will get a surface with a mix of white and gray. The following application will be smooth.

A white surface plays well with applying additional paints. It's easier to darken white then to brighten black. You may find yourself using less coats of your final paint.

Apply Paints: Acrylic model paint is good option.
Apply Gloss: Krylon and Rost-Oleum make good ones. 

Sanding : Wet Sand. I find that 400 grit is a good place to start and work your way up to 1000 or greater. The finer the sandpaper the smoother and mirror like the final finish will be.