John I. Nept

This shop is dedicated to me, John I. Nept aka Desperateman aka D-man... Well, not really to me, but to my clones indeed ! Check out who I am at Contacte me on

My dear fellows,

today, I, John I. Nept aka Desperateman aka D-man, am proud to announce that after month and month (even years actually...) of research, and some aborted (...uh.. indeed...) tries, my first clones are born !


It took the skills and knowledge of unparalleled geneticists and engineers too avant-guardist to be recognised, it took facilities and equipment only sci-fi masterpieces can compete (by the way, thanks to NASA for the help... Big Up !) it took all this, says I, and much more so that I can tell you now about the birth of my little brothers !

Anyway... now, I’ll need your help. Cause, alone, I can’t afford to shelter, launder (... not sure that is funny...) and feed them. So... if you could (as we agreed...) adopt one or two, I’d sincerely appreciate it.

Well, of course, mother cells culture, foetus breeding to grow them to a mature state and shipping of young clone to his foster family (talking about you !) bears inherent expenses.

By the way, you might be interested in knowing that, between the choice of a mother cell and the time an adult ‘me’ arrives in your home (mail box maybe..) it takes around 10 days.

The financial compensation is, of course, modest, not to say void, compared to the priceless joy and satisfaction a ‘John I. Nept’ would bring to your home. Not to mention the personal benefit adopting a helpless and fragile little being will give you !