Carlton Crafts: Columbia Class Rings

Affordable and modern Columbia Class rings. Graduates- you've worked hard, and you deserve to be able to show it off, without breaking the bank
Three years ago when I was a Mechanical Engineering Senior, I discovered that  the official Columbia Class rings were both not in my style and far, far out of my student price range. So, I did what every good engineer does and made my own!

Soon my friends wanted one , my friends friends wanted one, evolving into the number of different designs you see today.  Because these rings are 3D printed and not machined, the manufacturing costs are reduced by over 90%, allowing my rings to be affordable to everyone. 

Over the last 3 years I've had the honor of selling hundreds of class rings to students who never thought they could afford them. Graduates- you've worked hard, and you deserve to be able to show it off :)