Variants/customization Suggestion

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by NikkruGadgets, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. NikkruGadgets
    NikkruGadgets Well-Known Member
    Hi all,

    It seems to me that while very neat, both systems have their own flaws.

    Customization is great for having the customer chose what e.g. ring size they want out of all ring sizes listed or not listed.
    BUT! the max volume is used to calculate the price, while not many people need that big of a ring size and might be scared off from the very high price (almost double of what "regular" sized rings would be)

    Variants solve that problem, but I don't want to spend hours and hours making 20 variants and setting up markup for each of those, then linking them and maybe sell one ring.
    So if I make a limited amount of variants, it looks like that amount is fixed, e.g. I offer only three ring sizes.
    Guest without an account might not want to create an account just to ask.

    So my suggestions:
    For customization - besides entering the max volume, also entering the min volume for the smallest size and instead of displaying the highest price only, displaying a range. Like on amazon for different cloth/shoe sizes

    For variants - have the option to have an additional item listed that lets the customer request a size that is not listed. That way it's clear to members and guests without an account that the designer offers additional variants besides the three that are listed.
    For example

    -Request different size [____]

    And it would be really need to set a percentage for markups instead of editing it for every single variant and every single material.
    Or even global ranged markups. Like for products <10$, make 1% markup, for 10-50$ make 5%, for >50$ make 10% or something like that.