Now what do I do?

Discussion in 'ShapeJS' started by niquegeek, Nov 25, 2015.

  1. wawwright
    wawwright Active Member
    When it comes to the UI:

    I would like to see the ability to hide / show or modify the parameters that are shown based on other parameters.
    For example if you choose A some parameters are shown. If you choose B other parameters are shown.
  2. That's what I meant by dynamic UI elements. At the moment, ShapeJS just reads the parameters and watches the elements if they change. But if you want to generate complex shapes, the options might differ from the start depending on which option the user picks. They need to cascade down from each choice as it's selected. Otherwise you end up with a page of UI elements all hardcoded, it looks ugly and confusing for the user.

    The other big thing that's lacking is no control over the UI elements. Want to prevent the user typing in values? You can't disable them.
  3. wawwright
    wawwright Active Member
    I agree 100%

    I think that once shapeJS is set up for sale in the shop dynamic ui elements should be the next priority.