Noise Documetation

Discussion in 'ShapeJS' started by wawwright, Apr 11, 2016.

  1. wawwright
    wawwright Active Member
    Where can I find documentation for "Noise" that is used in the Embedding and Engraving tutorial?
  2. AlanHudson
    AlanHudson Shapeways Employee Dev Team
    Looks like its still experimental.

    Here are the nodes parameters:

    IntParameter mp_nx = new IntParameter("nx","x-dimension of grid",1);
    IntParameter mp_ny = new IntParameter("ny","y-dimension of grid",1);
    IntParameter mp_nz = new IntParameter("nz","z-dimension of grid",1);
    IntParameter mp_periodic = new IntParameter("periodic","noise is periodic?",0);
    IntParameter mp_seed = new IntParameter("seed","seed of random number generator",11);
    DoubleParameter mp_offset = new DoubleParameter("offset","offset in (result = value*factor+offset) ",0.);
    DoubleParameter mp_factor = new DoubleParameter("factor","factor in (result = value*factor+offset)",1.);
    Vector3dParameter mp_size = new Vector3dParameter("size","Physical size of grid",new Vector3d(10*MM,10*MM,10*MM));

    And the notes from the programmer:

    there are 2 versions. periodic which is equivalent to java code and non periodic which is gpu only.
    periodic is potentially better, but it seems it has some small artifacts along cubic cell boundaries - possible a bug.

  3. wawwright
    wawwright Active Member
    I look forward to trying this out.
  4. wawwright
    wawwright Active Member

    In the bowl tutorial it appears that there is always roughly equal parts of the bowl embossed and not embossed.
    Is it possible to adjust the noise so that the embossing is more sparse.
  5. AlanHudson
    AlanHudson Shapeways Employee Dev Team
    can you provide a link to the tutorial your referring too?
  6. wawwright
    wawwright Active Member
  7. AlanHudson
    AlanHudson Shapeways Employee Dev Team
    Try playing with the noise offset and see if that does what you want.
