new model page

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by stop4stuff, Sep 16, 2011.

  1. I've seen this, too.
    But since I've deleted the browser history (Cookies, Cache & LSO's) it's gone...
  2. Hey all - we've just released a fix for the cache issues. If you see these issues again, please let us know here or in private message.

  3. Seems to me that the "Shapies who [​IMG] this" section doesn't work properly. :confused

    Since it's addressed as "div#model-view-favorite-user .view" I guess that people, which add a model to favorites, should be listed there, pos ?
  4. Magic
    Magic Well-Known Member
    Not exactly a bug, but I don't like the:
    "You cannot disable this material because it is the default for this model"
    I wanted one model to be FCS only and I noticed that it also was available in WSF (with no markup because I did not want this material) just because WSF was initially the default material (so even though I click to uncheck WSF this had no effect and furthermore the markup was and kept being 0).
    I would prefer another behaviour like: if you disable a material which was the default material then the default material becomes the next available material.
    In this way if I disable all material but FCS, FCS becomes the default, which is the expected behaviour.
  5. Still getting the cache problem in the description with all the HTML code. If I refresh (my technique is to set my default material AFTER I enter text description, as that requires clicking on the button to save the check that puts the little triangle by the desired material => two silly things cancelling out each other!) it's ok and I can see that.

    Sections still not showing up while private! I'm setting up my shop for the first time, and I want it all organized before I let it go live. But I can't do that and check it with sections until I go public.

    For those in the know: is there a way to enable entire sections or multiple products to go live simultaneously, rather than on a model per model basis? I will have a few hundred models in the end, and it will be a royal pain to public them one at a time.

    Also, if the sections could be not tiny side bar, but the featured organization style (if one wants), that would be good. With hundreds of models, sectioning is required, and should be the main way the buyer can interface with the shop. IMO.

  6. Bathsheba
    Bathsheba Well-Known Member
    Agree, sections need to be more prominent and more fully implemented. They should naturally be the primary presentation for anyone with more than one page of models, but theyr'e just a stub -- this is IMO one of the most customer-unfriendly things about Shapeways at this time.
  7. stop4stuff
    stop4stuff Well-Known Member
    I haven't kept up with everything I listed... did much get fixed yet?