Pricing Cvs And Variants

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by woody64, Apr 22, 2017.

  1. woody64
    woody64 Well-Known Member
    Did some search inside the pricing cvs and had the strange behavior that it seems not to be correct when variants are used.

    For a product which uses a variant for a specific material I found this in the cvs:
    {25,Black Strong & Flexible,not-for-sale,Never Printed}
    {122,Black Hi-Def Acrylate,for-sale,Never Printed}
    {6,White Strong & Flexible,not-for-sale,Never Printed}

    The "Black Hi-Def Acrylate" is for sale in this product but uses a different model for the 3d mesh.

    If I now want to change pricing for this material I assume that I can't do that via upload since the affected line does not represent the data of the Acrylate material.

    I assume that this is a relict from the times when model and product where identical?
  2. NimlothCQ
    NimlothCQ Well-Known Member

    The good news is that we're right now actively working on some improvements to the CSV tool that would account for variants :)

    Stay tuned!