Suggest a model for us to feature!

Discussion in 'Feature this!' started by joris, May 20, 2010.

  1. joris
    joris Member
    Have you seen a model on Shapeways that we should feature in a blog post, on the home page, in the newsletter? Add a link to the model or the forum post here to be sure we don't miss it. You can suggest your own model or someone else's.
    Last edited: May 20, 2010
  2. stop4stuff
    stop4stuff Well-Known Member
    Is this topic for posting actual models that have been produced in real life or for models that only exsist 'pre-print'?
  3. 28396_deleted
    28396_deleted Member

    But mostly for GoogleBot to index and drive traffic :p

  4. bitstoatoms
    bitstoatoms Member
    Hey all,

    From my angle, this could be for both concepts and products.

    I try to keep a close eye on what get's posted here but for us to really promote an item it is better if it is a well photographed printed item.
    Ideally with a bit of a story behind it so we can send it out to our media connections.

