We launched the Gold Plated Brass as a trial material just over a month ago, and have seen a great response and amazing designs. The trial period for this material is now over, and we’re excited to announce that this material is going to permanently join our range of 3D printing materials with a few changes that ensure we can deliver a consistently high-quality offering.

3D Printed Gold Die Shapeways

After producing this material for a month, we’ve learned a lot about our production costs and how you’re using Gold Plated Brass. By adjusting our prices to better reflect these costs, we can keep prices fair across all sizes of models and across our material family.

As of today, Gold Plated Brass will be $30.00 startup and $22.00 per cc.  

This means is that the price for very small models will increase, but all models above 2cm3 models will get cheaper.  

Here is a break down of the previous vs new price per cm3:

1cm3 was $40 now $53

2cm3 was $75 now $74

3cm3 was $110 now $96

4cm3 was $145 now $118

5cm3 was $180 now $140 

We’ve also learned that producing Gold Plated Brass takes slightly longer than we initially hoped.  To manage expectations and ensure your items ship on time we are now shipping Gold Plated Brass in 20 days. We’re working on all kinds of creative ways to bring this down in the future — and across all materials.


We look forward to seeing more of your Gold Plated Brass designs in your Shapeways shop as well as the new mystery metal we are bout to launch next.