Pastiche Matte's

My alternative scale and unit concept prototype miniatures catalog, compatible with the discontinued  Halo: Ground Command, Starship Troopers Miniature Game and Epic 40k.

Conceptual figurines are provided for the most part in both 15mm and 6mm scale as sprues for cost-saving  and prototype recasting purposes.  Please take care when removing them from the sprue using a hobby knife. 

Scaling for 15mm and 6mm scale coming soon !
Additionally, I will source a Patreon account if you would like to acquire any terrain / objectives pieces avaliable here for your own scaling and at-home printing (since they are quiet expensive here at the moment)  !  


Ammo Pods


Tanker Bug



Artistic credits awarded to Shaun, Enix, Trino, Flaem, Cairhys1000, Carbon Didcoxide, Raymunelespa, Warsock, The Chosen 1, Grif, Omnine, Alienfreak, Will.A, Chris L., Cashcon, Jordi, Liban 1, Spartan116, Jimbob, BlackOps Mouse, J61, Kilgoro127, PX17 , Lulman and Game Tree 3D Print Scenics for their digital & public contributions that aided in the creation of these modified design mockups .  These works were noted as not comissioned by Microsoft or Spartan Games. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended in this respect.   


1. This catalog and the models on it ("Digital Content") are provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of performance, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, omissions, completeness, currentness, machine-readability and/or bespoken artistic representation.
2. Third party material ("Digital Content") may also appear in this catalog ("Third party Information") in addition to any register-able royalty agreement administered by Shapeways' upload software. 
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4. We may make improvements and/or changes to the features, functionality or style of said models in this catalog at any time without notice. 
5. We shall not be liable for: 
a. any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage of any kind resulting from, arising out of or any way related to: 

(a) any errors in or omissions in this catalog and the content;
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b. for any special, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever (including, without limitation, registrat fees) in any way due to, resulting from, or arising in connection with the use of or inability to use this catalog or the content or any third party content and licensing agreements for the purpose of vendor license fixing, non-attributed credit trading, artistic material entropy,  copyfaired amends or product services outside a United States web domain.