Thorne Cummings


Thornes86 commented on Jem Hadar T'lex Class Destroyer by benaiah
January 29, 2017
Jem Hadar T'lex Class Destroyer
Thornes86 I like the ship. Works great for a misc alien ship. I have the top view attached below but can only post one photo. The idea was the "Bestial Raider" with the bottom part being skin colors.
Thornes86 favorited Romulan Star Hawk by benaiah and Ferengi Nomad Class by benaiah
January 15, 2017
Thornes86 commented on Serrated Dreadnaught by Atropos907
January 15, 2017
Serrated Dreadnaught
Thornes86 A great ship idea. Due to the size it can only be used as a 40k space marine strike cruiser variant. In this case a strike carrier. A larger scaled model more like a battle barge would be better. It is still a good ship to use.
Thornes86 favorited Jem Hadar T'lex Class Destroyer by benaiah
October 23, 2016


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