Blade Sharpe


3D modeler, Designer, Product designer
I am a 3D Enviromental artist and in my off time, I like to make models for printing.

SolarTara favorited Fox Pendant by SolarTara
August 24, 2018
SolarTara commented on Facehugger Pendant by paulelderdesign
April 27, 2017
Facehugger Pendant
SolarTara @paulelderdesign Yes I understand that as I also have created my own designs. I just believe it is a little over priced for what it is. That is just my opinion and if you have sold a few then I suppose I am the only one
SolarTara Curious as to why this has to be over $70
SolarTara favorited Wartortle Pendant by marc_rauer
January 5, 2016
SolarTara added products to a list
March 20, 2015
SolarTara added products to a list
March 20, 2015
SolarTara added a product to a list
March 12, 2015


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