SCS Computer Jewelry

SCS Computer Jewelry is "throw back" computer charms featuring the Desk top, printer, floppy disk and a SCS company logo. These unique, attractive models display images from the early beginnings of the computer evolution.

Desk top




Floppy Disk


SCS Logo



The first "digital computer" was a rather simple device made up of beads on strings called an abacus.  From this humble beginning, computer technology has advanced to such a point that it touches the daily lives of everyone - whether it be in the home, at work, in school, or at play.  There are three main components of computer systems.  The "Desk Top" is the means by which an individual communicates with the computer.  One simply uses the desk top to type the information on the keyboard and then watches the video display for the answer.  The "printer" provides the user with printed data output "hard copy" from the computer system.  The "floppy disk"  stores that data that is to be referred to at a later time.  The early computers were made up of vacuum tubes requiring a room just to house them.  They could execute a few instructions per second and cost an enormous amount of money.  Today, no one has to be a millionaire to own a micro computer that can sit on a desk or be portable and execute a mind boggling number of instructions per second.  The computer revolution is still in it's infancy.  Computers will continue to get smaller, be more powerful and cost less.  They will be as common as personal calculators.  This beautiful computer jewelry givers testimony to a time in history that is having a profound effect on today's society. 



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