
Cosy utilities for everyone where form follows fun & function


I am Dirk, German industrial designer, who lives and works in Rio de Janeiro.

From the 80ies until the early 90ties, I worked as model maker, design student and designer with several design studios, such like Frog, R&S, Scala and Axis (the last one in Brazil), until I resolved to change my business in order to live in Brazil. Later on, in 1999, I founded P.O.internacional, company which provides furniture accessories and nowadays luminaries. This made me coming back to my beloved roots. I also found my way back to work together with names of the Brazilian Design Scene like Angela and Monica Carvalho.

Now, with 3 D -printing, which today is being called the 3rd industrial revolution, it makes me feeling happy and privileged to make part of it:

It combines the beautiful professions model making and design.

In former times, the industrial designers' task was creating/ finding a product, able to be manufactured by industrial processes.

With 3D printing you can do the opposite. You nearly can create/find (I prefer: find) like Mother Nature itself. Of course there are still limits- (I cannot make my "Ourisso" in porcelain yet, which was my dream, but Sandstone is already a great success),  and we are still at the beginning....

I am happy to find this community to share experiences.

Best wishes

Dirk Peter