3D fractals

Mathematical beauties 3D printed just for you in the material of your choice.
Let me invite you to a journey at the borders of the imaginary, in a land of organic intricacies and geometrical maze.
My goal is to reveal the unreal and some of the most precious secrets of the universe, the beauty of fractals. Think about the similarities between the infinitely small and the infinitely large, the border between order and chaos, the emergence of complexity in nature thanks to iterative processes. Ask yourself what is the common denominator between the structure of your lungs, a satellite picture of a river and its tributaries, and the branches of a tree. You get it. Fractals.
As a 3D fractal fan I couldn't resist, it was inevitable, I had to give life to these intriguing mathematical creatures that have fascinated me for so long, especially in the last years since the advent of the latest generations of 3D fractals formulas and the latest innovations in rendering and printing techniques.
I hope you will find these objects as stunning as I do. Enjoy the show!