Uploading A Model But Markup And For Sale Doesn't Stick

Discussion in 'Shapeways API' started by MineToys, Feb 23, 2020.

  1. MineToys
    MineToys Member
    Hello Shapeways community.
    I've been using the API for a while now, and a couple things tends to break here and there for no apparent reasons.

    Right now my main concern, that kills almost all my sales, is the fact that any model uploaded with a materials, materialId, markup and isActive... does not work anymore. Clients faces a "this item is not for sale" page, and i have to manually set again the markup i intend.
    Here is a part of what i send (in PHP).

    Shapeways CALLSTART https://api.shapeways.com/models/v1 : '{"title":"test,"description":"test","fileName":"test.zip","file":"UEsDBBQ[...]AAA","hasRightsToModel":1,"isDownloadable":0,"isClaimable":0,"acceptTermsAndConditions":1,"uploadScale":0.001,"tags":["toy","character"],"categories":[101],"materials":{"26":{"materialId":26,"markup":10,"isActive":1},"121":{"materialId":121,"markup":10,"isActive":1}},"defaultMaterialId":26,"isPublic":1,"isForSale":1}'

    Before, isActive was set to a boolean, but since i see that the sapeways response (a success, FYI) says 0 for false, i changed it to 1 to no avail.
    My question are :
    - is it broken ? Do i have to setup things differently ?
    - Why do i have a success with parameters that are different from what i sent ?
    - i can't find a simple list of parameters that Shapeways accept, so i can refer my query to something existant.
    - i can't seem to find a simple list if material IDs anywhere on the site.

    Thanks for your help !