Updating a 3D file

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 40877_deleted, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. stop4stuff
    stop4stuff Well-Known Member
    It is not drastic deleting, it is just deleting the model - if you click the [x] button from 'My Models' you get a warning first that you are about to delete the model.

  2. SGDesigns
    SGDesigns Member
    Yeah Ive always gotten the same as in your "My Edit Page". It displays two files because it is only showing you a history of your updates. If you delete the model it will not revert back to the previous file, it will completely remove that model from your shop.
  3. woody64
    woody64 Well-Known Member
    I've uploaded my file some minutes ago and reported that also as major bug.

    That currently prevents any update of my models since all are in metric data.

  4. 40877_deleted
    40877_deleted Member
    Hi Sal,
    I will leave it as it is till Shapeways cures the problem. Thanks for all your help.