Shop Feature Request: Limit purchase to selected customers.

Discussion in 'Shapeways Shops' started by CGD, Jun 7, 2010.

  1. bartv
    bartv Member
    Hi CGD,

    I agree with Joris that this idea makes a lot of sense. Joris left Shapeways about a month ago and I've taken over from him. Please give me some time to check what the status of this suggestion is. I'll get back to you!

  2. CGD
    CGD Member

    Hi Bart,

    Thanks a lot! Looking forward to favorable results.

  3. bartv
    bartv Member
    The suggestion is on our 'wishlist' now. That's the first step to it being implemented! I can't give you a timeline though..

  4. Mid7night
    Mid7night Member
    Great to hear! I would just like to throw in my vote of support for this feature. It would be incredibly useful, and a big bonus to all users.
  5. robert
    robert Member
    As of today you can make your product available as hidden. It is only visible via deep link. For added security an unique code is generated to make URL guessing attacks more or less impossible.

    Just set the product availability to hidden, reload the page and copy the browser URL or share via the ShareThis widget with your customers.

    I hope this helps you guys!

    - Robert
  6. CGD
    CGD Member

  7. CGD
    CGD Member

    Do I need to select "Model available to all" and then "Hidden"?

    Because I tried make the file hidden and then send the link to a customer, he still got the "You are not allowed to view this model" error.
  8. robert
    robert Member
    That is correct. Sorry for not mentioning that.
  9. CGD
    CGD Member
    I think it's working now. No more midnight coordinating with clients. Great! And thanks!!

  10. virtox
    virtox Active Member Moderator

    Yes indeed! My wife is absolutely gonna love this!
    Crap, but now I don't have an excuse to work late nights anymore :p


  11. woody64
    woody64 Well-Known Member
    Wonderful, I like that. It's the ways I was expecting this ....