Oh No - Something Went Wrong! :(

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nick_Holliday, Nov 17, 2023.

  1. Nick_Holliday
    Nick_Holliday Well-Known Member
    Im going nots, I keep trying to upload what I thought was a simple model (relative to previous models) and are constantly being told somethings gone wrong - try again later!

    Im not sure if its the way im exporting it or what - but is there some trick I might be missing?

  2. coelian276
    coelian276 Well-Known Member
    There are a lot of issues that are causing this error message. Without the file to inspect it, no one can give you an answer here.
  3. Nick_Holliday
    Nick_Holliday Well-Known Member
    Is there a list of issues that may cause these kind of error? The error itself doesnt provide much useful information to be honest and simply tells me to try again later!
  4. coelian276
    coelian276 Well-Known Member
    No, such a list can never be complete, i need the file to look at it. If you don't want to share it publicly here, you can try to send it to Coelian276@web.de. Zip the file if it is too large.
  5. bwterrainforge
    bwterrainforge Well-Known Member
    Usually shapeways shoots an email if there are problems with the mesh. However I have gotten the error when the stl is valid and within tolerances. Sometimes its because their servers are overwhelmed.

    As long as the file is within the upload file limits try using this online tool


    If the file isn't too big or complex it usually able to deal with most issue that shapeways cant handle. It will also give you an idea what the issue is like non manifold edges, degenerate faves, etc.

    You can also load a file in meshmixer and use edit > make solid. This will handle booleaning all sub parts and fixing holes, manfiold edges etc... I usually use accurate push the accuracy and mesh density all the way up.

    If this make the stl too big I also use https://myminifactory.github.io/Fast-Quadric-Mesh-Simplification/ to reduce the stl.