Bulk Edit Markup is Live

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by 9694_deleted, Sep 29, 2011.

  1. mctrivia
    mctrivia Well-Known Member
    Maybe I spoke to soon. Now the CSV does not work at all. I upload my file and then nothing. No error not a thing. Seems testing still is deemed not necessary. Please fix by saturday as I will need to upload a new CSV file then.
  2. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    I have noticed on a few models that the Edit View tends to stay turned on when I try to turn Edit View off.

    I wonder if there is some built-in error check that is finding a problem... but the error is not being reported? Such as a model that is larger than the print area or something?
  3. stop4stuff
    stop4stuff Well-Known Member
    stonysmith, does that happen with private and for sale models only (if so, the issue has been reported - item 1.3 here)
  4. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    Whups.. my bad.. I had missed that forum thread entirely. Too many separate lists going on. :confused

    Yes, the model it happened on was private and for sale.
  5. Hey FYI - this is now fixed. Please sound off if you are still having trouble with the CSV tool.

  6. mctrivia
    mctrivia Well-Known Member
    just checked it works now, and the dollar sign is ignored like it should be. Now please no more new code on live site without testing it first.
  7. mctrivia
    mctrivia Well-Known Member
    Found a major bug in the CSV system. If a model is marked not for sale not shown it does not show up in the CSV file. This is a problem because I am not going to put the model available for sale until after I have added the markup but I can not add the markup because it does not show up in the CSV. A bit of a catch 22 at the moment making it impossible for me to add new models(without going through the painstaking approach of manually setting everything which is what CSV is suppose to eliviate. I got 32 models currently not for sale because I can not set the price. Please Fix.

    Also would be really nice if I could set sale status and visibility at same time. What is the point of uploading the CSV then manually clicking on all 32 models to make for sale but hidden(which is my plan) when I should be able to just mark them as such on the CSV and do everything at once.

    also for hidden objects can you provide the sales URL in the CSV. Would be nice to be able to get this off the CSV file since I soon plan to hide most of my models to eliviate the crowded status of my shop.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2011
  8. Magic
    Magic Well-Known Member
    I guess a workaround would be set this item as "for sale" "not shown": nobody can see it as long as you do not publicize the URL, and you can set up the markup before turning it to public.
  9. mctrivia
    mctrivia Well-Known Member
    Yes that is a work around but requires a lot of work: Current best work flow to upload a Ring design is as following:

    1*) Upload all 32 sizes to shapeways VIA FTP and come back in an hour
    2*) Log in to shapeways
    3*) Goto https://www.shapeways.com/mydesigns?ug[page]=5#ug yes faster to type URL in
    4 to 168) Open each model, click more, click for sale, click update, cut and paste address
    169) Click on username -> Myshop
    170*) Click on markup CSV
    171*) Click on Download CSV
    172*) Open CSV in excel
    173*) Cut and paste cells into auto calculation work book
    174*) Save back to CSV
    175) Click Edit the CSV
    176) Click Upload and Preview
    177*) Select CSV File
    178*) Upload File
    179*) Verify CSV File Interpreted correctly
    180*) Save CSV
    181) Select shop inventory
    182) Select product inventory manager(wait 10min to load)
    183 to 439) Deselect all materials it is not available in
    440) Save changes
    441*) Click on username -> My Models
    442*) Click to edit description
    443*) Add description of ring with link to all hiden size fields
    444*) Save

    That is 444 steps(do you have shares in a mouse manufacturer?) When only the 16 marked with * should be needed. And I removed about 192 steps by writing an app to let me upload via FTP instead of using the on site upload system.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2011
  10. 9694_deleted
    9694_deleted Member
    Hey mctrivia, I just wanted to let you know that at the moment, we've designed the CSV to have the current capabilities, and not to include the ones you've mentioned. We did this to make sure we could get the CSV out for the community as fast as possible, so it we're aware doesn't handle all needs in all cases.

    We will be offering more of the tools you need in future releases though.

  11. mctrivia
    mctrivia Well-Known Member
    getting to the minimum can wait. steps 4 to 168 should not be. just include the models that are not for sale yet will cut my work load by 33%. I should be able to set price by CSV before setting for sale.

    Just realised that I can get rid of 181 to 440 myself by changing my upload script. So If you fix the lack of not yet for sale models and I alter my script I will be pretty happy
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2011
  12. mctrivia
    mctrivia Well-Known Member
    Seems CSV is broken again. I have been trying to upload a CSV file and it is not working properly. Some materials are not being updated, those that are, have the wrong resulting price.

    I have not yet checked if you are giving me the wrong cost and neglecting to give me all materials and hence the missing and wrong or if reading wrong. Either way it is not right.
  13. mctrivia
    mctrivia Well-Known Member
    just checked reported prices are wrong and since I use this to compute markups markups are wrong. Gives 4.44 for 0.65cc of WSF which at 1.5+1.4*0.65=2.41

    Woops my bad that was white detailed which makes the price correct.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2011
  14. mctrivia
    mctrivia Well-Known Member
    all prices showing up correct now. So either there was a massive delay while the server had a heart attack and showed garbage data. Or someone fixed it.
  15. There is a delay in price updates when showing in search results.

    On the product details page, price changes will show immediately.
  16. mctrivia
    mctrivia Well-Known Member
    was using product inventory page to see pricing.
  17. woody64
    woody64 Well-Known Member
    Due to current changes I would need also a bulk-edit for:

    - descriptions
    - available for sale
    - display to the public

    any considerations to offer that?

  18. mctrivia
    mctrivia Well-Known Member
    also material available in, and show models not yet for sale.
  19. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    They've already clearly said that these are planned enhancements, just not "immediate"- the urgent need was to allow markup changes, and they did a good job of getting that facility in place within deadline.

    Descriptions is pretty tricky.. a simple CSV file can get seriously messed up if someone tries to do complicated HTML as a description - a misplaced quote character or comma, and the whole file blows up.

    Available Material is also somewhat complicated. What we desire is the ability to Add or Remove a material.. the current CSV thing can only CHANGE what is already there.

    For my own vote, I'd want the ForSale/DisplayToPublic options added next (with all models included).
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2011
  20. mctrivia
    mctrivia Well-Known Member
    available material is easy. you have a boolean for if it is visible or not. the tricky part is they split up per material and not per model. My sugestion is all visible states must match in a model or it ignores the field for that model. Also allow the option of setting material to 0 and ignoring markup so someone can upload a csv file that only changes the visible status.

    As for description. Excel and most spread sheet programs auto handle quotes and commas. The big problem is shapeways currently does not handle these correctly.