Painting WSF

Discussion in 'Finishing Techniques' started by wondercat, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. wondercat
    wondercat Member
    I received my first WSF model. I'm new to this and I'm not sure how to go about painting it since the surface is so bumpy.
    I've heard I should just layer on lots of paint, or try sanding.
    I was hoping someone who's actually done this could give some advice.
  2. ZoeBrain
    ZoeBrain Member
    The best possible surface is produced by first using an ultra-thin coat of white putty:


    Followed by very fine sanding with an Emory board, until almost all the putty is removed, so it fills in the gaps.

    Then a coat of dilute PVA glue (to seal it), more sanding, then it's ready to paint.

    If there is ultra-fine detail, just use 2-3 coats of dilute PVA glue, a very very light sand, then several coats of paint.
  3. WorldWiz
    WorldWiz Member
    Is using White Putty highly preferable over something like Liquid Fiberglass Resin? Thanks.