Raspberry Pi Case, a new design.

Discussion in 'My Work In Progress' started by lab02, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. lab02
    lab02 Member
    This is my design for a Raspberry Pi case.
    It is based on the beta version dimensions and design, so there is no way of knowing if the board will fit until the final version is released.

    It is stackable, and it has a channel underneath that can be used to pass the mini usb cable or the ethernet cable depending on which site you want to be the front.
    There is also a small hole on the side to peek the LEDs.

    I plan to update the model a bit, but you can have a look at the current design at my shop.

  2. arklan
    arklan Member
    of the several cases for these i've seen on here so far, i a fan of yours the most. quite well done.

    can't wait to have a chance to get my hands on one ofthese Rasberry's.
  3. lab02
    lab02 Member

    I am also waiting for one, not just for the case design, but to actually play with it and see what it can do!