15mm Gaming Miniatures in Colour Sandstone

Discussion in 'My Work In Progress' started by aegidian, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. aegidian
    aegidian Member
    I'm trying to create some small scale gaming miniatures, but I'm worried about scaling legs and such.

    I'm already aware that the arms will have to be positioned to merge with the body, the ones shown here are representative only.


    CS has a minimum wall thickness of 3mm, the Captain's legs only barely approach that thickness (at their thinnest). Will I have to arrange for some sort of pedestal under the figure to support it?

    The base of the figure is a 15x15x3mm plinth.

    Help and suggestions are what I'd like here, please.

  2. 35824_deleted
    35824_deleted Member
    Have you done color prints before? Do you know the material?

    I'm not sure whether it's suitable for gaming pieces. It is brittle even at more than 3mm and the pieces may not survive very long. 15mm is pretty tiny for that material.

    Also, at Shapeways, they infuse the pieces with a strange yellowish wax. The surface remains pretty rough and catches scratches very easily, e.g. from your finger nails. These white scratches are not easy to remove.

    Seems you might be better off with WSF, dyed in yellow and the eyes and mouth painted.

  3. aegidian
    aegidian Member
    I was beginning to suspect WSF would be a better idea, but I was attracted to CS for its affordability.

    I'm getting some other figures printed in CS to see how they'll turn out, but otherwise, yeah, this is my first colour print.
  4. 35824_deleted
    35824_deleted Member
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2011
  5. aegidian
    aegidian Member
    Thanks, I'm aware of the advantages of hollowing (from my other models) - I was more interested in experiences in how to use and consider CS as a material.
  6. LeftySpinhand
    LeftySpinhand Member
    pssst... when making holes for hollowing out model interiors, You actually want to make 2 holes (they can be close to each other, thats ok) so they can blast into one hole, and the excess material can blast out thru the other!