Is it possible to rename an item?

Discussion in 'Shapeways Shops' started by tebee, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. tebee
    tebee Well-Known Member
    I've just noticed a couple of minor errors in my spelling and capitalization in the names of items in my shop Is it posible to rename them or do I have to delete and re-add them ?
  2. virtox
    virtox Active Member Moderator
    If you are logged in, you can change the title at the top of the right side bar.
    The save button is at the bottom of that side bar.

    If your then reload the url will also change.



    Ps. In case you are referring to shop section names, those can't be renamed. (yet)
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2011
  3. tebee
    tebee Well-Known Member
    Ah I'd tried that but it didn't seem to change the title at the top left.

    but when I reload the page it has changed !

  4. can you rename your models? i named a couple of my models and i want to change the name, and not reload all of them. what is the exact process of renaming a model on the site? thank you, thomas
  5. stop4stuff
    stop4stuff Well-Known Member
    Hi Thomas,
    If you've not figured it out yet, the re-naming prcedure is quite simple - goto the model page when logged-in, click on 'edit' so that 'edit' is set to on then click on the title of the model to change it - hit return after changing the text to make the name stick.

  6. skatersollie
    skatersollie Member
    Just go to you model click on the edit button and then double click on the name of your model...It looks like the option is not there because there is no button or field to enter, but once you double click on title or name of your model you should get the generic text cursor to show up and its simple as just changing typing a new name..
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2012