Can I spray paint my White strong model to make it water tight ?

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by 943883_deleted, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. Hi guys.

    Can I get a object printed in normal strong White material.
    Then spray it with some type of covering to make it water tight.

    I cant find an option to print a large object ( more than 250 x 250 x 60mm ) as water tight.

    I Need to print this as a prototype to be tested in water and also shock and Vibration tested.

    Any help would be great.
    Thanks .


    Munich, Germany.
  2. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    The strong&flexible is nylon-12, any acrylic spray paint or primer should work.
  3. thank you.

    Would nylon-12 be good for shock and Vibration testing ?

    I Need to print this Shell case, attach it to an existing part and test it as if it was a finished molded part.

  4. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    This will depend on the level of shock and vibration, as well as the geometry and wall thickness of "this shell case", whatever it may be...
  5. Hello,

    Would the acrylic spray paint hold if the object were to stay submerged within water? I am planning to put a pa2200 figurine within a snowglobe.

    Thank you!