Does Shapeways Automatically add in Support?

Discussion in 'Materials' started by roninwerx, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. roninwerx
    roninwerx Member
    I just uploaded my first ever Shapeways model here:

    My own version which I use on my printrbot has supports for printing the elevated / hanging USB mount in the model. I opted to exclude those from the model I uploaded to Shapeways since I figured they had industrial machines that could handle that type of overhang easily. Also, I wasn't sure how to indicate to Shapeways production that that part of the model was meant as support and needs to be removed post production.

    Am I right in this thinking?
  2. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
  3. roninwerx
    roninwerx Member
    WOW!!! I had no idea how labor intensive their process is! Thank you for sharing that video its very informative.
  4. Andrewsimonthomas
    Andrewsimonthomas Well-Known Member
    roninwerx haha I had the same reaction when I first saw it too.