Tag List & Clone

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by StephanFriedrich, May 23, 2015.

  1. "Tags

    Help shoppers discover your product by adding specific tags. The more
    the better."

    Hi dear shapie,

    could you please make it possibel the Designers could enter product tags
    much easier?
    I would like to enter a hole bunch of tags to some products. And I would
    like to enter a few tags to all my products.
    Cause of entering tags one by one at all my objects I would like to see
    a much comfortable way - like uploading a Tag-List ;-)

    What do you think about a other idea: to clone a object. If done I only had to update the 3d file
    - that way I could beware all that much Tags, Pictures, categories and
    textes etc. for a new object - like a ring with just another size.
    ( Cause shapeways still don´t want to scale objects - what is absolutely nesessary for ringsizes as example )

    Thanks for developing soon ;-)
  2. panguver
    panguver Well-Known Member
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2015