Opening a second shop

Discussion in 'Shapeways Shops' started by Dune_Doree, May 17, 2015.

  1. Dune_Doree
    Dune_Doree Member

    I would like to open a second Shapeways shop for a different jewelry collection. The old shop counts already a lot of models and I am afraid customers will lose themselves in all the available objects.
    Does anyone know how I can do this? It doesn't seem to work. Creating a new login with the same emailadress does't work as well.

    Kind regards
  2. MrNibbles
    MrNibbles Well-Known Member
    I think that there is, as of yet, no mechanism to open multiple stores under the same e-mail address. You need to open a different Shapeways account with a different e-mail address however you can link the same Paypal account to multiple Shapeways accounts. All you can do now is move designs into different store sections within a store. If your sales are huge in one section of your store it might be worth it to spin it off but it also means more hassle from an organizational standpoint.

    I feel your pain. My store is a real mess like a junky second hand store with waffle makers sitting on a shelf next to lady's under garments. It would be awesome to have a second drop down store sorter menu above the store section sorter so you can manage multiple store inventories from one master account. The way things are set up I bet it would become a giant mess to try to implement this any time soon.

  3. Dune_Doree
    Dune_Doree Member
    Thanks for your support MrNibbles. :)