Site update - Gallery component updated

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by 11539_deleted, Apr 1, 2010.

  1. 11539_deleted
    11539_deleted Member
    Hi All,

    Today we have had another site update. The most noticeable for you is that we updated the gallery component.
    We have made it more uniform so that all galleries look the same. You can notice this eg on the home page where the displayed models now show prices and small icons (the shopping cart when the model is for sale, the wrench when it is a co-creator template).

    The new galleries meant re-indexing the models. As you have already uploaded so many models, this took a while.

    Other minor changes are:
    - The tickbox for e-mail preferences on profile wasn't working correctly, this has now been corrected.
    - Community has a new sub menu: contests (and yes, we noticed that you don't see that option yet when on the forum :( sorry, working on that to get it fixed asap)

    Kind regards, Arno