Public shop not populating with my new "first to try" items, and pricing not updating

Discussion in 'Shapeways Shops' started by frigate56, Dec 11, 2014.

  1. frigate56
    frigate56 Member
    It's been 8-10 hours since I uploaded 5 new items to my store.
    When I set the items up for sale, I added numerous tags and assigned them to categories, and uploaded a csv with my total retail prices.
    The new items show up in my "Shop Inventory" screen, but are not appearing in my public storefront.
    Also, the prices on the new items on the "Shop Inventory" screen are all just material costs, not my uploaded retail prices.
    When I click on a new item to view it, and select Edit Item --> Selling, I see this:


    You can see my desired Total Price on the right column. So it's there but isn't appearing in my store.
    I thought maybe I needed to manually enter it also in the "Set a total price for ..." box at the top, but when I do that and save changes it doesn't have any effect, either.

    Please help, thanks.
  2. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    Are you still logged in while viewing your store? You need to sign out to see the customer prices.
    Or use your browser's incognito mode and don't sign in.
  3. frigate56
    frigate56 Member
    I signed out and re-visited incognito, using "Shop" to find my store.
    No difference.
    Only the first 12 existing items appear, on one page.
    None of the 5 items I uploaded today are visible anywhere in the public shop.
    When I click on the categories I assigned the new items to, I get blank pages and no items.
    Any other suggestions?
  4. frigate56
    frigate56 Member
    Please help.
    My store is dead in the water until I can get additional items into the public for sale area.
  5. barkingdigger
    barkingdigger Well-Known Member
    Have you double-checked on each item's "sell" tab that you set them to "Display to the public" and "Offer for sale to others"? And you've refreshed to clear out your browser cache?
  6. frigate56
    frigate56 Member

    Thank you for alerting me to the "Display to the Public" checkbox. I had overlooked that box for the newly uploaded items, thinking that "Sell to others" was all I needed.

    Thank you!

  7. barkingdigger
    barkingdigger Well-Known Member

    No problem - we've all been there! (And got the T-shirt...) Glad it was an easy fix.
  8. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    Guess there are situations when you want to have "sell" without "show" set, so that you can upload a design for a specific client to order based on a direct link to the model page that you send them.
  9. Similar topic/issue. I uploaded two of models to the shops - just trying to get used to the interface and process. I have both "share" and "sell" checked off - and I see them on the shop when I search for them.

    But it doesn't seem like they ever will get a moment on the "new" page? I check their subcategories and organized the search by "newest first" and they don't pop up. They've been on there for over day.

    What am I missing?
  10. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    Both "Newest" and "Price - low to high" appear to be essentially random at the moment in the few categories that I checked. (Your model appears
    on "Price - high to low", which is sorted correctly, somewhere around page 85, so it is in the list).
    For comparison, the Figurines category lists Manuel Poehlau's grumpy cat, first shown in an "It arrived" thread at the beginning of july last year, among the top 20 newest, which seems highly unlikely)
    Could be just more fallout from the recent server update...
  11. Thanks mkroeker - would love to have someone from Shapeways weigh in on this matter. It seems like the shop's "new" function isn't working (at least for some people - I am seeing new models shuffle in there, just not mine).

    That's sort of key for a little a little short-term exposure. If everything just gets shuffled in to an ever-growing library, it seems like most shops will never have a chance unless you're marketing it elsewhere?
  12. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    I raised the issue on their current "site update bug report" document (hosted on google docs, linked from the "update" thread at the top of the Announcements forum) and they are apparently working on a fix already.
    Marketing elsewhere will surely help - not everyone interested in your kind of models may even be aware of the possibilities of 3d printing. Also posting good pictures of your products in the "Feature this" forum may prompt shapeways to feature your models on their blog page and through their facebook and twitter feeds (though again this will mostly reach people that already know of shapeways).
  13. Thanks for help mkroeker, much appreciated. Will hang tight for now.