Showing status of unshipped orders when clicked into item sold

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by ProjectMobius, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. ProjectMobius
    ProjectMobius Well-Known Member

    Its me again.

    Currently we only show Order Date, Model Title, Model ID, Quantity and Total in the popup. Is it possible to include the status of the particular model? We get the status in the sales overview download so I thought it should be feasible to include that in the popup too? One problem I see though, is if someone orders multiple of the same model and these models might not get printed all at the same time depending on printer space, the queue and all that. Perhaps we can have two numbers one in green and one in the black that we have now under Quantity. Green means in production, black means processing etc. And we can show a check mark besides those that have all of the same model printed to show this model is fully complete.

    Just a thought :)
