Yet another Pi case!

Discussion in 'My Shapeways Order Arrived' started by Tasker, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. Tasker
    Tasker Member
    This is a case I printed off recently for my Raspberry Pi model B. I made an initial prototype which fit ok(ish!) but was a bit tight in areas or offset by a few millimetres for some of the ports.
    This was my second print and I think it came together really well.
    The insertable mesh on the case lid allows me to have a good amount of customisation of it simply by swapping out different versions printed in different materials.

    The Alumide mesh combined with the grill in the base it gives a good amount of ventilation to the Pi.

    And it all seems to fit rather neatly!

    Well, time to go enjoy some Hi-Def fun with Raspmc!