Ring and Pendant Designer

Discussion in '3D Design Requests' started by 380830_deleted, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. I like to specialize in creating antique rings that have been lost through the centuries or are of occult nature.

    People who are spiritual like to buy these items as they feel they carry a special significance to them.

    I can do other things most of the time I specialize in this though I am trying to become an elaborate modeler but for the time being i'm starting off with small projects I can build on my own. Some of them I will possibly buy in the future as i've learned that they actually work.

    It has also given me a different understanding about life and about the church.

    So anyone is welcome to contact me about any design they are interested in I sketch, draw, so just because it is not on there does not mean I can't make it.

    I seldom do research because it takes up my time but if you want to bring something to my attention that is ok.

    Just please don't insult me because I choose to observe occult things I understand if you are a christian. Believe it or not christianity carries allot of symbols that have been lost through time.

    I like to see things for what they are. That's all really!

    Good luck and hope to see you around if you want a specific ring or model please let me know. I charge a rate depending on how much time I believe it will take to make the item. Some of the stuff I have made has taken me all day to make. So just depends.
  2. OrsonY
    OrsonY Well-Known Member
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2014
  3. Hi

    I don't understand about the wax model stuff, I usually am just making models that the market does not have. I charge anywhere from 60% to 75%. I don't give away my models usually I sell the model itself online. This is all online I don't sell my models to other people. I am starting my own design name and I don't want to have to start all over because other people have my designs. So no im not interested thanks. I just upload them unto shapeways and people buy them on the internet. I don't sell wax models for printers. If I sold my model it would sell for allot of money cause it's the original.
  4. OrsonY
    OrsonY Well-Known Member
    Thanks for the reply.
    I just open an offer