Orientation change

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by cbfasi, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. cbfasi
    cbfasi Member
    Yep, if you have not noticed....

    Shapeways has changed the direction it displays your model orientation.

    All mine used to be placed so it appear level in Shapeways images, yet in the 3d software I use they was up-down.

    Now they will seem to display as per the 3d software, and in colour too.

    Great but I wish I had been told of this rather significant change, I now need to rotate all my models so if I need to upload again they have the corrected orientation.

    Yes its much better, but past work is affected.

    Does mean new work does not need rotation just to look right in the shop.
    Also means I got to be more careful on the colours used when modeling, in past it was always shown as grey, so they was only there for me to know what part is what.
  2. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    When did you see this change?
    I uploaded two models this weekend with no issues.
  3. cbfasi
    cbfasi Member
    About 2-3 hours ago...
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2013
  4. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    I just re-uploaded the same STL file that I did over the weekend.
    It has now the same orientation that it did yesterday.
    [Update] I just asked the devs.. they made no code changes this morning.
  5. cbfasi
    cbfasi Member
    My previous uploads had been a month or so back, so the change is recent to me, but not so recent to others.

    As it is, its much better for me now.

    Also I work with dae for import, rather than the stl
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2013