Flower Ornament, Piano Clip

Discussion in 'My Shapeways Order Arrived' started by TurtlesAreCool, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. Thanks to some great guidance from GlenG, I was able to receive my successful print of the commemorative flower ornament for my cousin. It turned out great! (although I need to clean out some of the remaining polishing or support material, which is the yellowish stuff caught in a few crevices)

    I was afraid the text would not come out (too thin) but it worked fantastically!


    You may note my somewhat lazy photo editing - I have yet to construct my inexpensive light tent ( http://www.digital-photography-school.com/how-to-make-a-inex pensive-light-tent), so I just blurred the shadows a little bit when I combined the photos and ran with it.

    The second item, a clip for holding the pages of music books, also turned out very nicely, I think. It's always interesting to see the variation of color between different pieces - I guess the bronze infusion is the cause?

  2. Kaetemi
    Kaetemi Member
    This looks really nice :)
  3. 9694_deleted
    9694_deleted Member
    Hey Turtles, I gave your piano clip a shout out in Friday Finds. You should totally make it "for sale" though. ;)

  4. Ana,

    Thanks! I'm glad you like it - I'm surprised you thought the clip was better than the ornament - that one's my personal favorite.

    In any case, thanks for reminding me. The clip is up here: https://www.shapeways.com/model/439183/music_clip___diamonds. html

    I have to do some work to get the ornament co-creator-ready. Then that one will go up also.
  5. 9694_deleted
    9694_deleted Member
    I love the ornament too, but the reason I chose the clip was that I was just a little nervous about whether the ornament would print reliably in the future. Some of those tendrils seemed a little thin.

    Don't mean to give you cause for worry, but I decided it was better to play it safe. ;)

  6. Ana,

    Fair enough - that's your prerogative. I may push the boundaries to find the limits, but you must promote a safe path. The vines are rather thin - 1.1 x 2.2 mm. The size seems to have worked well so far, though - I had something similar on the heart ornament as well, although that one was not as complex as this one.
  7. LincolnK
    LincolnK Member
    The ornament is beautiful! The other piece is also very cool looking! Great work!!!

  8. philatkin
    philatkin Member
    The flower piece is quite gorgeous - excellent!
  9. Wow they look really beautiful!
    The flower ornament has so much detail!
  10. Thank you all for the compliments. I have to get moving, because the wedding is in 10 days. I have been distracted a bit recently (ahem, Skyrim), but I still plan to apply a bit of paint to the vines and flower to make them stand out better. I'll post pictures when it's done.
  11. haha understandable distraction ;)
    Looking forward to the new pictures!