Interlocking Rings

Discussion in 'Materials' started by 4116_deleted, Aug 2, 2008.

  1. 4116_deleted
    4116_deleted Member
    I have a design that includes interlocking rings, similar to links in a chain.

    If I submit the model with the pieces linked together, will your layout process keep them linked? Is there anything special I need to do or rules I need be aware of for printing linked pieces?
  2. bartv
    bartv Member
    Hi gsnethen,

    yes, the chains should be printed like you designed them - linked and all.


  3. 4116_deleted
    4116_deleted Member
    What's the minimum gap you would recommend to ensure two surfaces won't inadvertently bond during the printing process?

  4. 4184_deleted
    4184_deleted Member
    from other thread: